Wednesday 24 September 2014

Fiji Days

For a long time I have been working on this little piece but it took a little inspiration from a good friend of mine to finally pin it down. It is a long read but I hope you do enjoy it!
It was exactly 4 years & 3 months ago when I first had a glimpse of the beautiful islands of Fiji from the little pane of window beside my seat. The sun was just rising and the tiny pieces of land were basking in its golden rays. The aerial sight was beautiful and it forever got imprinted in my heart.

The city we were going to live in for the next few years was about 200 km from the International Airport. We opted for a car ride instead of taking another plane, as this was highly recommended. As we sped through the highway, I knew why. For most part of the journey, we had a lovely view of the calm grayish, greenish, blue ocean with occasional sights of beautiful coral coasts and tiny lushly green farms. Every face we passed by seemed to be laughing and happy, free of any tension or unhappiness. I was surprised seeing this and clearly thought that these people were gifted with a thousand blessings to be so happy!

Our home was a beautiful little house situated very near the ocean and was full of light during day time & cool breeze in the evenings. The first week went by in a haze when we slowly adjusted to our new surroundings and culture. It would be an outright lie if I said I was in love with the place from the very beginning. No. Initially, I had been very homesick, missing my friends and relatives back home. I had been afraid nothing was ever going to be the same once we went back.

The first day in my new school is something that I find hard to forget. I had never felt more welcome in any place. Every one of my new classmates and teachers had left no stone unturned to make me comfortable. But somewhere deep inside, I knew I did not fit. It is not because I didn’t try but there are few times in your life when trying is simply not enough. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months but I still felt out of place. I missed every little thing back home and memories flooded my mind. But of course, I was not willing to give up trying.

A year had passed since the day I had had my first glimpse of Fiji. I was gradually fitting in. And for this, there are 4 friends of mine to whom I am eternally grateful. They had helped me absorb and adapt to their lifestyle. They had held my hand and pulled me out of the emptiness.  They made me see life from a whole new perspective.  I was slowly changing and this change was the best of my life, moulding the life in me.

Since then, for the next 2 years, I had the best time of my life. I prayed that these days never came to an end. I couldn’t believe I was feeling so happy in the place that I had hated so much in the beginning. This is when I realized that God may put you through testy times but he never lets you down.

Those friends I mentioned earlier came home on the eve of my return. We went for a walk and then came back and sat down outside and talked and talked for hours into the darkness. Conversation was nothing remarkable, if anyone else hears it but to me, it is the best evening of my life. They brought with them little souvenirs which were most meaningful (there are certain things which only you and your friends can understand). If God gives me a chance to relive a moment again, I would choose that moment. And this is precisely when I realize that happiness is about the tiniest of things which has a lot of meaning.

There is a lot I have learnt in these 4 years. But most important of them all, for me, is what I learnt about being happy. Remember me mentioning the happy faces I saw during my first car journey?
The faces I saw then and everyday during the four years were not happy and smiling because they were gifted with a thousand blessings. As a matter of fact, most people were very ordinary people living a very simple life with only the most essential necessities and very few blessings. They faced day to day struggles just like everyone else in this world. That glow of happiness was because they were content with whatever little they had and accepted life as it is. They lived for this day and had thoughts for & about nothing else. They knew that taking tension about things over which we have no control is utterly foolish, something even highly intelligent people fail to understand. They cared for everyone and shared everything they had. We often spend years in pursuit of happiness when it had been there all along with us, only waiting to be recognized.

It was not late before I realized that God had given me an opportunity to be a part of his paradise!