Monday 19 December 2011

Changes ......

Today was my last day with my friends in Form 401. Next year all of us are going to separate forms according to our subject choices and only one of my two best friends is going to be with me next year. The other one is taking another subject. Talking about this, the matter I actually wanted to discuss in this post is that about changes that takes place in life. Life is just like autumn. Every once in a while life sheds the old leaves to give rise to the new ones …….
Often the changes are the unforeseen. They are changes that we never thought would take place in our lives. It usually twists and turns our lives. They influence us a lot. Maybe in the positive way or the negative and here lies the key to this post. Changes are an inevitable part of anyone’s life but the main thing is how you face it and deal with it. For example, one person might try to enjoy the change and see the good face of it while the other person might cry and weep and try to run away from life. He will only see the effect the change had brought to his past, which is to say, has no relevance in his present or upcoming future. He who runs away from changes is a fool. Changes are always good. They show us different phases and faces of our life. It makes life difficult for us thus giving us the opportunity to learn to strive forward and enjoy fresh breaths. 


  1. love this my friend ,, keep up the great work :)
